4 Things Customers Want to See on Your Small Business Website

When you’re in the middle of a hectic workday, it’s nice to know that there are businesses out there who understand your needs. With this blog post, we’ll teach you four things customers want to see on your small business website. These tips will help increase conversions and make the customer experience seamless. If done right, these four things will put you miles ahead of your competition.

We’ve all heard it before “the customer is always right” but many times business owners don’t believe this to be true or they simply disagree with the statement altogether.   

Before writing off this phrase as another overused cliche, take a moment and think about how you would feel if one of your potential customers come to your site. If they weren’t satisfied with something, would their experience be a good one?

Keep in mind that whether you agree with the statement or not, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and ensure your customers are left feeling happy about their decision to do business with you. This tends to be a great way to increase your conversion rates and overall sales.

Customers want to see contact details

If you’re running a small business, one of the key features customers want to see is some kind of contact information. They may want to get in touch with your company so they can voice their opinion on something, find out the status of an order, or answer any questions they have about your product or service.

It’s important for a customer to be able to easily contact a company that they’re interested in. If they have questions about your products or services, it’s much easier when they can call, email, or chat with you right from the website itself.

Whether you put it in the footer or reserve a specific area for it, make sure it’s there. Also, make sure you provide a variety of ways to get in touch with you, including phone calls and emails.

Customers want to see a privacy policy

If your business is collecting any type of private information from customers, you need to make sure they can see your company’s privacy policy. When a customer is signing up on your site, it’s common for them to click the checkbox that states that they agree to terms and conditions. If this is the case, then there should be a link in the footer or some other area on the page that takes them to your privacy policy.

If you don’t have a privacy policy, take the time to create one and make it available to customers. They’ll be thankful for this small gesture and they will appreciate that you value their personal information enough to protect it.

It also helps them see that you take online security seriously, so they will have more confidence in doing business with you. Furthermore, if they ever have any security-related questions or concerns, they can look to your privacy policy for the answer.

They want to see testimonials and feedback

Your web design agency can help you create a great website, but they won’t be able to help you if they don’t know what you want or need for your site. You have to decide on a design path that will complement your business and allow customers to easily find the information they’re looking for. The web design company can help you feature social proof in the form of testimonials and feedback.

Customers like to know that others have had a good experience with your company, so let them see what others are saying.

This will also help you spread your message without having to do any marketing or advertising. If they like what they read, it’s likely they’ll make the decision to purchase your product/service.

Customers want to know how long it will take

If you’ve ever purchased anything online, you probably noticed how some websites include a countdown timer. The idea is that if people know the product/service they want will only be available for a certain amount of time, they’ll be more inclined to make a purchase.

Timers can help customers feel as though they don’t have as much time to think about their decision, which can help increase conversions. This is just one example of the many things you can do on your website to create a better customer experience.

Benefits of working with a web design company

If you’re too busy to get the web design project started, then hiring a company to do it for you can be a big help. Hiring an agency that specializes in business websites will give you access to their experience and knowledge about creating online stores that are proven successful.

Other benefits include increased customer confidence due to aesthetically pleasing designs and advanced functionality, as well as the ability to easily make updates and changes. You should also take advantage of optimization services that can help you stand out in search engine results.

With your web design agency by your side, you’re getting all the support you need to maintain a successful online presence for your business. All you have to do is provide the information they need, provide feedback when requested, and make decisions that are best for your business.


Your small business website should be more than just an online presence that prominently displays your business name and logo. Marketers know that it takes a lot more to get people interested in your company and products, including making it easy for customers to communicate with you.

Work closely with a web design company UK so they can ensure all of your needs and concerns are considered throughout the design process. Once your site is finished, test it by seeing how long it takes to load and what kind of experience customers have when they use it.